I Heart Snuffy

I'm on a thirtysomething marathon this afternoon. Darcy is napping...the dog is napping.
The heat is on outside, but I've got the air cranked to 75 here. (I'm bad).
But I had to share how much fun it is to watch. I just saw The Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf I used to work at on Lake Avenue in Pasadena, Michael and Elliot were standing right outside having a conversation! It looked so great, just like it was when I was there. Only 10 years earlier I'm sure. I'm so glad it's immortalized for me though, since it's not there anymore. I still work there in my dreams though. Really. I dream about that place a lot.
Anyway, I pre-purchased the first season last April and forgot about it, and it came in the mail and I'm watching it! I'm just on my way to make popcorn. "And dance by the light of the moon!!!!" Love you Snuffy Walden!


  1. Loved Loved Loved ThirtySomething way back when! Sounds like the perfect Saturday night to me...may just have to order myself one:)

  2. I had absolutely no idea that this was out! The show came out when dh and I were in our twenties, but we loved it anyhow. I'll have to look for it.
