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Wednesdays are pretty busy

Today is my anniversary! I honestly have no idea where nine years just went. I guess Doug and I have been pretty busy, having two little girls, moving, living, working on projects, trying to figure it all out one day at a time...time just slips away doesn't it?

I've also used up tons of time today posting at The Blog Guidebook. I don't know if I wasted time, but I sure spent it...I posted four times already...but it was relevant. Hope the readers don't get teed off.

Monday I spent the entire day cleaning the house...I have a new babysitter coming over on Friday so I have to create a good impression, you know! Then I pooped out and couldn't finish. So today I've been working on the school room, throwing out papers in the recycle bin, and sorting magazines into piles that I want to keep or use for projects. The school room better be done by the time school doesn't seem like it will, but I'm hopeful.

So, tonight we're going to see a movie I hope...maybe Green Lantern, a total dude movie. It feels like summer doesn't it?!!

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